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Password Saving Apps - More Security, While Saving Your Time and Mental Bandwidth

So many usernames and passwords to remember! Research by Digital Guardian found the average person in the US has more than 130 accounts with logins. For you and me, it might be significantly more than that. I just checked, and for me, I have over 500. If you’re not already doing so, use a password manager app to save your mental bandwidth - it manages all of your account passwords and other confidential information. Also, you’ll be saving time with every login because the app can automatically fill in your username and password, no matter which device you’re on.

Jamie, a school administrator, always forgets all of her passwords. She uses the "Forgot Password" option to log in to her accounts at least once a day. Forgetting and resetting passwords is annoying and is such a waste of time. That 3-4 minutes per day it takes to reset passwords adds up to around 20 hours per year!

Using a password saving app will not only help Jamie keep track of all of her passwords, but it will save her a lot of time. She no longer has to keep resetting her passwords, and she gets instant access to her accounts with just one click. 

Freelance creative, Joe, has had the same 2-3 passwords on all sites. He just received a letter from a big brand company he uses online, letting him know their server was compromised and all the usernames and passwords were leaked, including his. The company recommends he change the username and password on all of the sites where it is used. For Joe, that's probably over 100 of the 300 or so online accounts he has. To make matters worse, he doesn’t really know which sites either, it really could be any of the 300 accounts he has. See for Joe, when he logs in to a website, he just tries the different passwords he normally uses until he finds the one that works. There’s only 2-3 it could be after all. Joe doesn’t want to spend the time to change them all! His thought, “Maybe I’ll just change a couple of the important ones and risk it?!”

For Joe, there’s very little security in this at all. Using a password saving app will be a game-changer for him. He will no longer use the same passwords. He will have unique and complicated passwords for each site. When this happens again, he will change that one password for that one site and move on with his life! Being secure now is an absolute breeze. No sweat Joe! 

Adam, a lawyer, is well-established in his career. All the information he accesses is confidential in nature. For someone like Adam, information security is even more important. Adam’s heard about these password saving apps, but he’s worried, what if someone gets his one master password? As a result, he’s stayed away from a password manager app.

For Adam, a password manager app will change the game. His information will be saved behind bank-level encryption, and the password manager app Adam uses will have two-factor authentication in order to log in. This means even if someone were to get his master password, they would still need the code which is only sent to Adam’s phone when a login is attempted. The software will send Adam an email to let him know if there’s ever an attempt to log in, and he can immediately change the password if it is an unauthorized attempt!

So, where do you start?


Just getting started? Start with LastPass. It’s free to start, and has all the “bells and whistles”! LastPass protects your accounts with just one super-secure master password. It’s the “Last-Pass-Word” you’ll need to remember. Once set up, LastPass allows you to import all of your saved login credentials from various browsers. It is compatible with all major operating systems, is user-friendly, and automatically syncs across all your devices. It works for experts and newbies alike. If you have a lot of accounts online and like accessing them on different devices, you should check out LastPass. They also have Family and Enterprise programs as well so if you want to share your passwords, you have that ability to scale as well. For Jamie and Joe, this is a great option.


One of the other market leaders I’ve heard about with password managers is 1Password. It touts itself as one of the most secure apps, though these are often based on opinions more so than objective comparisons. For someone like Adam, this may be a great option.

These are not the only two options, there are so many others as well! There’s a bunch more here. Don’t wait to get started!

Let’s talk tips! To better enjoy its features and strengthen your overall online security, here are some valuable ideas to keep in mind. 

  • I’d recommend staying away from a brand or platform-specific program such as Apple’s iCloud Keychain or Google’s password manager. They often don’t cross-platforms so they may not work across all of your current, or future, devices.

  • On all websites, avoid signing in with your Google or Facebook ID, I recommend always creating a username and password if given the option. This way if your password for Google or Facebook were to be compromised, other websites won’t be compromised as well. Also, there are times when you may be able to connect one app or website through to another. These cross-connections almost never support Google or Facebook ID, so you’re better off using a regular username and password from the beginning.

  • Don’t reuse your passwords…ever. It’s also helpful to update your passwords once in a while, especially your email address; as most of the password reset confirmations are sent to your email.

  • With security in mind, consider passwords that you can easily remember with one glance (e.g. "1LOVELYlittlep@ssword" instead of "JdjU6%&jJS3#$iJFK"). For me, it happens on occasion that I need to type a password into a new device manually. It’s way easier when the password is one you can remember for a few seconds after one glance.

  • Make sure that your master password is secure and is not easy to guess. 

Using a password saving app has been a great change in my life. Take control of your time spent on login information and secure your accounts starting today!

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I’m Brian. At age 4, I was diagnosed with insulin dependent (type 1) diabetes and told that I was going to have a harder life that was likely 10-20 years shorter than normal. I’ve lived my best life every day since then, because you only get one chance to live it. I created Productivity Gladiator because I saw what a difference it made to share small and specific actions you can take right now, right away, to achieve better work life balance, be more productive, and live your best life right now, today, not wait until retirement. I want you to start doing the things you WANT to do, not get stuck chasing what you NEED to do. If any of this resonates with you, send me a note. It brings me joy to share this passion with you.